Holman Library News

Holman Library serves Green River Community College in Auburn, WA.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reggie Redmond's Read Poster Celebrates National Library Week

Holman Library is excited to again be celebrating National Library Week with our very own Read Posters. You've probably seen the American Library Association versions with celebrities, and now you can see some GRCC celebrities. Each day this week we will be revealing a new poster. Be sure to check back daily to see the latest!

Like last year, Julie Spiers (Communications and Program Marketing) did the photography and aided Katy Dichter and Brenda Philip when they were stuck. Thanks also go to William Stence, IT student worker in the library, for technical assistance.

For many of you, the first face you see each week, besides that of your spouse or children, is Reggie Redmond’s. So, we’ve chosen Reggie to be the first of five Read posters we will reveal to celebrate National Library Week. If you enter campus via the west entrance, you will recognize Reggie as the person who smiles and waves at you each morning from the booth. In fact, if you arrive on campus really early, and Reggie is not yet in his booth, he will wave to you as he locks up his car. Although Reggie is too busy waving to read, he has posed with an issue of Popular Mechanics. One might think that Reggie would get tired of waving, but he enjoys waving in hopes that it will brighten people’s day. It does. Thanks Reggie!